Category Archives: survival

Teaching the kids basic camping skills

I have been so busy lately! Even on vacation, I have kept myself too busy to really blog. I’m sorry about that, but there is just not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want and need to do. This is a little video I put together. The kids are getting older now. My biological children have been camping and learning survival skills their entire lives. I had my oldest son at Algonquin park in Ontario when he was 6 months old. When you can hear wolves howling while you are sleeping, you have arrived!

I want to do a backcountry trip with the kids and dogs. The problem is that my step kids really don’t have outdoor experience. Their bio dad is more of a “sit on the sofa and watch hockey” kind of guy. The camping they have done was at a trailer park. Basically a field with trailers parked. When you have electricity and running water: you are not in the backcountry. This is not a criticism of their upbringing, merely a statement on the difference between my partner’s kids and mine.

This year, we went camping close to home and I started to train the kids how to do real camping. How to build fire. How to set a tent. How to use a cook stove. How to canoe. We were close to home in case anything went wrong. We also taught the dogs to go in the canoe. The last thing I want is to be loaded with supplies, ready to paddle to my island get away and the dog won’t go into the canoe, or even worse, tips the canoe.

This September, my partner Heather and I will be heading up to Algonquin to ensure she also is very skilled in a canoe and we will paddle around with the dogs. By next summer, we will be taking a trip so far off the grid! I can hardly wait!